Shadow Warrior 2: Patch verfügbar
Entwickler Flying Wild Hog haben einen neuen Patch für den Shooter Shadow Warrior 2 veröffentlicht.
Von Christoph Miklos am 27.10.2016 - 18:02 Uhr - Quelle: Steam



PlayStation 4

Xbox One



Devolver Digital


Flying Wild Hog


13.10 2016









34,99 Euro

Media (12)

Entwickler Flying Wild Hog haben einen neuen Patch für den Shooter Shadow Warrior 2 veröffentlicht.
Neben Balance-Anpassungen und Bugfixing wurde auch die Deckelung beim Erhalt von Erfahrungspunkten entfernt:
Balance and gameplay changes: - Removed gained experience cap (on all difficulties) - Added a significant bonus for experience gained on difficulties higher than normal - Slightly decreased large and special enemies' HP on difficulties higher than normal - Added negative stats cap for high level upgrades - The number of auras for a single enemy is capped to 1 on difficulties below 'Insane tier 2' - Base physical resist lowered. This change affects all difficulty levels - After finishing missions for the second time, instead of Skill Points the player now receives a powerful new currency called 'Orbs of Masamune'. The number of Orbs depends on the difficulty level. A new set of violent challenges will be added to the game soon. Players finishing these challenges will be able to imbue Smith's Anvil with power to greatly improve weapon stats. Orbs of Masamune will play crucial role in this proccess. - Crafting option is now available always after a player unlocks it in the first playthrough - Items in shops unlocked by story progress are now available always after a player unlocks them on the first playthrough
UI changes: - Added descriptions for Insane difficulty tiers
Engine fixes: - Fixed a crash on startup - mobile AMD GPUs - Fixed key bindings - NVIDIA Multi-Res - fixed chromatic aberration - NVIDIA Multi-Res - fixed particle lights - Fixed hitching on weapon change - Fixed NVIDIA Surround crash - NVIDIA Surround now works in fullscreen window mode - Fixed photomode UI when NVIDIA Surround or AMD Eyefinity is enabled
Multiplayer fixes: - Fixed the shop menu not being closed when client is teleported to a boss fight - Ancestral Ties: Fixed panic room door not being destroyed after cutscene - Ancestral Ties: Fixed Heika being stuck in one pose after a client joined the game - Fixed portal visibility before defeating the first boss - Minimap chest icons will not disappear when the host opens them - Fixed performance issue for co-op partners
Christoph Miklos ist nicht nur der „Papa“ von Game-/Hardwarezoom, sondern seit 1998 Technik- und Spiele-Journalist. In seiner Freizeit liest er DC-Comics (BATMAN!), spielt leidenschaftlich gerne World of Warcraft und schaut gerne Star Trek Serien.

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